Spinal Decompression Therapy FAQ

Enjoy Life. Pain Free

How VAX-D Works

VAX-D works by alternately stretching and relaxing the lower spine, which relieves pressure on structures in the back (the “cushion” disks and vertebral bones) that cause low back pain.

During a VAX-D treatment session, the patient lies with face down on a computerized “split” table, a pelvic bridle around the hips. The patient’s arms reach out forward, and his hands grasp two patient-operated handgrips. As treatment starts, the table literally splits into two, making a stretch in the patient’s lower back. If at any stage in the session the patient encounters uncomfort, releasing the handgrips immediately halts the treatment. A single session generally last 45 minutes.

Allan E. Dyer, MD, PhD, who created VAX-D, explains how the treatment “fixes” herniated disks, an main reason of lower back pain: “Your bones are isolated by a cushion. That cushion is constantly under positive pressure, even at rest. VAX-D lowers that pressure to negative levels by creating a partial vacuum that can retract the disk. Even a large, protruding disk can be retracted to where it’s supposed to be,”.

VAX-D, is used to treat different ailments inculding individuals suffering from herniated or degenerated disks, low back pain, failed spine surgery and sciatica.

Will VAX-D Therapy help a slipped disc?
A bulging or “herniated” disc is sometimes inaccurately referred to as a “slipped” disc. VAX-D prevails at treating protruding or herniated discs over 80% of the time.

If I’ve had spine surgery, can I still have VAX-D?
Having spine surgery in the past does not preclude you from recieving the benefits of VAX-D. In fact, clinical investigations reveal that VAX-D provides comfort for patients who have had one or more back surgeries.

Experience has demonstrated that most of the patients that recover on VAX-D therapy generally stay in remission. However, some individuals have been seen whose lifestyle or work ambiance tends to expose them to higher risk factors or who experience ill effects of severe disc degeneration have discovered that a maintenance program is advantageous. Conservative care such as periodic psysiotherapy and chiropractic care in conjunction with VAX-D has shown to be effective. In more severe cases, extra VAX-D sessions in blend with chiropractic care is sometimes needed. Recurrence of the maintenance session for the most part comprises of a couple of sessions per month on the VAX-D table. This helps insure against any progression of inury of one’s spine. Patients in this category tend to develop their own rhythm of maintenance visits that keep them liberated from back pain issues.

Why should I consider VAX-D Therapy?
VAX-D is the original patented, non-surgical treatment for low back pain and the only treatment that delivers VAX-D’s patented decompression curve, resulting in a success rate of over 80% in most cases.

VAX-D Therapy has been proven safe and effective in numerous clinical studies. Other so-called ‘decompression treatments’ simply do not have published clinical studies proving they can lower intradiscal pressure.

VAX-D Therapy is non-invasive and without the risks and complications associated with surgery, injections and anesthesia. VAX-D is painless and most patients can remain at light duty work while taking treatment. VAX-D is also easy and convenient.

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Common Conditions We Treat

Back Pain
Neck Pain
Carpal Tunnel
Knee Tear
Over Weight
Disc Injury

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