Holistic Nutrition Counseling
Are you in pain? We can help!
Nutrition Counseling Chicago
These days, the media is so flooded with news about foods, supplements, diets and other health matters it’s hard to weed out the wheat from the shaft – literally.
Nutrition is one of the core services at American Back Center. We specialize in alternative, holistic healthcare, nutritional coaching and supervised fasting, weight loss and detoxification. We can help you get to the heart of the matter, and find out what you really need – so you’re not wading through a sea of confusing material alone.
You’ve no doubt heard the saying: “You are what you eat.” At American Back Center, we take nutrition seriously – because how you eat can seriously affect how you feel.In fact, everything you do and think affects your overall health, and that is our business: to know the whole you, not just your symptoms. All those aches and pains, fatigue, digestive problems, allergies – even headaches – aren’t just annoying little problems. These are early clues to a decline in your health and wellness. Many things can contribute to illness – emotional stress, environmental toxins, lack of exercise, hormonal problems and other lifestyle issues. In addition, poor diet and other factors leads to depletion of nutrients, creating a vicious cycle resulting in increased stress on the mind and body and continued declining health.
Nutrition Weight Loss
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