Spinal Decompression Chicago

Spinal Decompression Chicago Spinal decompression is a non-surgical treatment option for certain types of back pain and neck pain. It is also sometimes used to treat sciatica. Spinal decompression therapy works by gently stretching the spine. This change in pressure and position takes the pressure off the spinal discs, which are gel-like cushions between the […]
Failed back surgery

Failed back surgery Back surgery is often seen as a last resort for treating chronic back pain. But what happens when the surgery doesn’t work? Failed back surgery is a serious problem that can leave patients in even more pain than before. Your doctor must be able to connect your recent spinal surgery to your […]
Neck Pain Chicago

Neck Pain Chicago Neck pain Can range anywhere from a chronic, long-standing, low-grade complaint to debilitating, sudden-onset, and life-altering pain. Sometimes the condition switches from one to the other with no known reason while at other times there’s an obvious event that led to the concern. Because if its varied presentations, it can affect all […]
Neck Pain : The Truth

Neck Pain : The Truth What Causes Neck Pain? Neck Pain is very common, and can affect any adult person. Your age, weight, genetics and particularly lifestyle have a big role to play and decide the intensity of the pain. The bones, ligaments, and muscles of your neck support your head and allow for motion. Any abnormalities, inflammation, or […]
The Rise of Shoulder Pain and How to Make It Stop

The Rise of Shoulder Pain and How to Make It Stop Chronic Shoulder Pain | American Back Center If Shoulder pain is left untreated, it can lead to something serious, and become a chronic problem. When your shoulder pain becomes chronic, it would be difficult for you to carry out your daily activities, such as […]
Back Pain Symptoms: Everything You Wanted to Know

Back Pain Symptoms: Everything You Wanted to Know Are you looking for back pain treatment in the Chicago area? If you’re over 35, there is every chance that you’ve suffered from lower back pain at least once in a while. Back pain is actually the most common disorder after headache. 80 percent of adults experience […]