Acupuncture Downtown Chicago
Acupuncture For Back Pain
Acupuncture assists in natural prevention of chronic disease linking the body, mind and emotions. Our acupuncturist is considered a general practitioner and effectively treats: stress, pain, injury, illness, emotional imbalance, depression, anxiety, allergies, asthma, sinusitis and rhinitis, insomnia, weakened immune systems, premenstrual (PMS) and menopausal symptoms, chemo and radiation therapy side effects,
Acupuncture can help heal you through an ancient style of medicine. Our Patients have had great results with this technique.
At the American Back Center, we have been providing quality treatment for neck, shoulder and back pain for over a decade. Please contact us today to book an appointment one of our experienced team of pain management specialists.
American Back Center 122 S. Michigan Ave Suite 1265 Chicago, IL, 60603 (shared entrance with National Louis University)(312) 939-4121 Discount parking available at 17 E. Adams lot.
If you have NECK PAIN ask us about massage therapy covered by Bright Health insurance